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Ideas for Valentine's Day
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Tuesday, February 14th Valentine's Day

This can be a very emotional and depressing day for many singles.  Make this day great for you and be a blessing to someone else.  Do some random acts of kindness on this special day.Valentine hearts Seniors

Here are some things that you can to do that may brighten the day for someone else and when you think about and give to others, you will receive blessings back!

Make some cookies for yourself and for a neighbor.

Donate your skills to help someone else.

Buy some balloons and give them away to those you run into at the mall, at work, or retirement centers.

Collect coupons at the Meijer cash register and give them to the next person in line.

Give an old friend a call and say, "Hi!"

Pay for the next person's coffee in line.

Hold open the door for someone.

Valentines for SeniorsMake some valentines and take them to a local nursing home. (Many residents don't have family around and many never get any visitors)

Call your parents and tell them you love them.

Donate items to Grace Center's of Hope.

Leave nice comments on blogs, Twitter, and Facebook.

Tip generously.

Anonymously send some flowers to someone in your family. 

Invite someone over for dinner.

Need nurturing yourself?.......

Take a day off from work and stay in your PJ's all day.

Read a book, go to a movie, treat yourself to a luxurious massage.

Call 248-786-0760 and leave a message and request prayer. We will call you back.

Make this a great day for you and those around you!

Did you do any of these suggestions?

Do you have any other suggestions for this day?

Would you like for someone to pray with you?

Remember that God loves you and will always be there for you,

no matter where you go or what you do. 

All you need to do is ask Him to come into your heart, and He will!

Click here and let us know!