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Euchre Event
Sunday, February 20, 2022, 01:00pm - 04:30pm
This repeat is an exception to the normal repeat pattern





1 pm


Kensington's Troy Campus - 1825 E. Square Lake Rd.


It's a Euchre Party with Food and Prizes! 


Euchre Party 500x380


Chat Room - SE corner of the Main Lobby

Troy Campus, 1825 E. Square Lk. Rd. Troy

Park in the South Parking lot and enter through the South Door. 

Join us after the 11 am service, or better yet, attend the  service first with some of us!


Friendly games will begin at 1 pm so please arrive before then to register.


If you don't know how to play, or need a refresher course, we'll teach you!



If you arrive after 1 pm, we may or may not be able to seat you at the gaming

tables since they may already be in play.   

However, you may still enjoy the food and  socialize!  



Kensington's Covid Guidelines

If you are sick, are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, or have possibly been exposed to COVID-19, please plan to stay home.


Honoring COVID-19 Guidlines, we will be mindful of social distancing by spreading the playing tables out in the lobby, and providing food that is individually and easily accessible. Masks are optional.




Bring $15 for games and food. Cash only, please.  No checks or credit cards.  


Water will be provided, however, you may bring your own non-alcoholic beverage.


You will also have the opportunity to make a donation which will go toward our Community Service Projects. Thank you! 



Reminder: If you arrive after 1 pm, we may or may not be able to seat you with the gaming tables since they may already be in play. 


We will do our best to seat you in the games, however, if not, you may still enjoy the food and socialize! 


Lessons for Beginners and for Refreshing: 

If you don't know how to play, that's okay.  We'll have a table where you can learn!


Attend the 11 am Service:

If you would like to attend Kensington's Troy Campus Sunday Morning Service at 11 am with us, meet us by the  Chat Room by 10:45 am so that we can go into the service and sit together.  




Please Click Here by Saturday, the day before the event, to reserve a seat for the games!


Location Troy Campus, 1825 E. Square Lk. Rd. Troy