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Study Group
Friday, August 12, 2022, 07:00pm - 08:30pm







Monthly Study Group!


Brown Wooden Blocks on White Surface



2nd Fridays of each month




It's a virtual event 



on the second Friday


of each month




To join us,



To Register  Click Here


You will then receive the link.



8 Effective Teaching Methods for Online Bible Study | Lifeway 



We are glad that you will be joining us on
the second Friday of each month
for our Study Group Discussion at 7 pm. 

Each session stands on its own.  

For this study group, it is certainly not necessary,


but you may want to go to the site below,


(Sign in and create a password)


Look around at all the Materials, DVDs, Books, etc. that are available to you! 





We will be using some of these materials for this study.

When you get on the site mentioned above,


browse for "Singles" and scroll down to find "the Sacred Search" 


(It's about dating the right person) 


Or easier yet,  just type in "Sacred Search" in the browser.

There is no need to purchase the materials,


however, if you would like to watch the first sessions


that we went over on past sessions, 


that would be helpful and informative for you,


but not necessary.


Looking forward to seeing you and having a great discussion!