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Concert in the Park
Thursday, August 25, 2022, 05:00pm

August 25th  

Concert in the Park


Your Generation Party Band!


Dodge Park 

40620 Utica Rd. Sterling Heights 


Free Concert and Free Parking!!


Dodge Park Stage sterling heights


Come early for good seats and a good parking spot! 

Meet Bill at 5 pm up near the stage

on the right close to Dodge Park Rd. 

Concert will be from 7-9 pm


Bring some snacks to share if you'd like, a blanket or chair to sit on, wear weather appropriate duds, and by all means, Mingle!


Meet some new friends, and have a blast listening and dancing to the music which begins at 7 pm!   


Concert in Park


Get ready for a great night of dancing and listening

to the Your Generation Party Band! 


To RSVP Click Here 


for a contact number and specific location information.  


Of course, if it's drizzling or raining, we won't be there.